Good Afternoon! Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Bahrain Banking / Finance

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  • Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB)

    The Central Bank of Bahrain is the single regulator for the financial services industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
  • Gulf Finance House

    Established on October 16, 1999 in the Kingdom of Bahrain as an Islamic investment bank, Gulf Finance House B.S.C. (GFH) has a paid up capital of US$ 135 million and an authorized capital of US$ 300 million.
  • Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait (BBK)

    BBK takes pride in being able to provide a full range of lending, deposit, treasury and investment services to various sectors of the domestic and regional markets, using state-of-the-art technology.
  • Ahli United Bank (AUB)

    Ahli United Bank BSC (AUB) is a fully fledged commercial and investment banking group providing wealth management, retail, corporate, treasury, offshore and private banking services. The Group's businesses consist of the operations in Bahrain, a wholly owned subsidiary in the UK and subsidiaries in Kuwait and Qatar.
  • National Bank of Bahrain (NBB)

    The country’s premier financial institution and the first Bahraini bank, founded in 1957. Leading provider of commercial and retail banking services in Bahrain through a nationwide network of 25 branches and 43 automatic teller machines (ATMs).
  • Taib Direct

    TAIB Bank B.S.C.(c) is a public company listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange. TAIB has been identifying unique investment opportunities in the GCC, United States, United Kingdom, Turkey, India, and more recently, in the Central Asian Republics.
  • HSBC

    In Bahrain, the HSBC Group is represented by HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, the largest and most widely represented international Bank in the Middle East.
  • Gulf International Bank B.S.C.

    Gulf International Bank (GIB) is a leading merchant bank in the Middle East with its principal focus on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states. With a proven track record spanning more than 28 years, GIB provides client-led, innovative financial products and services.
  • BisB Bank

    Bahrain Islamic Bank (BisB) was established in 1979 as the first Islamic commercial bank in the Kingdom of Bahrain, The authorized capital is BD100 million and paid up capital is BD72.859 million.

    Since its inception, BisB has recorded a steady growth. At the end of 2010, the shareholders' funds reached nearly BD100 million Bahraini Dinars, with assets in excess of BD936 million.

    The Bank had recently launched its new identity with the core objective of radiating its new and fresh mandate of exceeding expectations, both from an aspirational and a functional perspective.

    The Bank has been maintaining its leading position in the Islamic banking sector through adopting innovative Islamic investment and financing products, supported by superior retail and corporate banking services.The Bank is listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange. The major shareholders are leading local and regional financial institutions. The Bank operates under supervision and the regulatory framework of the Central Bank of Bahrain.

    The Bank, with 13 local branches, has established the largest network among Islamic banks in the Kingdom. These branches offer quality banking services, financing and investment opportunities compliant with Sharia'a requirement for individual and corporate customers.


    Khaleeji Commercial Bank BSC (KHCB) is an Islamic bank, headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and operating under a Retail Islamic Banking license granted by the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB). It is a Public Bahraini Shareholding Company listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange. KHCB offers a comprehensive range of innovative banking and Investment products and services to high net worth individuals, corporate entities, and financial institutions. These include commercial and corporate banking, wealth management, structured investment products and project financing facilities.


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