Good Morning!
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Bahrain Leisure / Sports
Below are the list of Leisure and Sports Clubs located in Bahrain :
The Bahrain Arts Society
The Bahrain Arts Society (TBAS) invite you to view fine Bahraini art of the 21st century. In this site you will learn more about the Bahrain Arts Society, our members, their latest creative art works and much more. The Bahrain Arts Society, established in 1983 is a non-profit cultural organization.
Our objective is to participate in the cultural promotion and develop fine arts in Bahrain and the surrounding region, and to take the artists into a new dimension throughout the world by participating intensively in the local and international arts events. We hold selective art exhibitions, workshops, lectures, and other cultural events. Although our members are selected talented artists from the region, but our doors are open for all art lovers.
Bahrain Welsh Society
This year 2006/2007 will be the year when we celebrate our Welshness- our unique culture based on language, singing, dancing, rugby and of course BRAINS! Come and join us and feel the warmth- the ‘hywel and the hiraeth’. We may be the smallest of the national societies but we are certainly the friendliest!
Bahrain Caledonian Society
Membership is open to Scots and non-Scots alike. Anyone born in Scotland or having one or more Scottish parents is eligible for Ordinary membership. Everyone else is eligible for Associate membership.
Awali Caledonian Society
The Caledonian Society, Awali, was founded in 1936. Membership is open to Scots and non-Scots alike. Anyone born in Scotland or having at least one parent/grandparent who is Scots by birth or having at least one spouse who is Scots by birth is eligible for Ordinary Membership. Associate Membership is granted to persons who have resided in Scotland for a period of not less than 5 years. Temporary Membership is granted at the discretion of the Society’s Committee to persons visiting Bahrain for a period not exceeding 3 months.
Bahrain Round Table
Bahrain Round Table, is a society for young (or youngish) professional men. The main objective of Bahrain Round Table is to be of service to the local community, by raising money for local charities. The funds are raised through hosting the Bahrain Marathon Relay. One of the biggest events of its kind in the Gulf, and probably the world! Round Table ethos also revolves around coming together socially, with fun events held throughout the year.
Bahrain Hash House Harriers
Bahrain Management Society
Bahrain is an important business center, not only for the Gulf, but also for the Middle East. As such, it is experiencing astonishing development and advancement. everyday we are exposed to new management theories and concepts that lead to innovation and creativity, increase in overall productivity and enhanced quality to meet the need to stay at the leading edge of competitiveness in the new global business environment.
Bahrain Information Technology Society
The Bahrain Information Technology Society formerly known as the Bahrain Computer Society was founded in march 1981, with the main objectives of promoting the Information Technology profession in the Kingdom of Bahrain and improving the awareness of general public and the community to events and development in Information Technology.
Bahrain Board Game Club
Bahrain Round Table
Bahrain Round Table, is a society for young (or youngish) professional men. The main objective of Bahrain Round Table is to be of service to the local community, by raising money for local charities. The funds are raised through hosting the Bahrain Marathon Relay. One of the biggest events of its kind in the Gulf, and probably the world! Round Table ethos also revolves around coming together socially, with fun events held throughout the year.
Ghassan's Gym | +973 17 695 911 |
24 Hour Nautilus Fitness Centre | +973 17 593 593 |
Al Gosaibi Gym | +973 17 293 221 |
bFit | +973 1753 1122 |
Crowne Plaza Health Club | +973 17 531 122 |
Dessange | +973 17 713 999 |
24 Hour Nautilus Fitness Centre | +973 17 593 593 |
The Sri Lanka Club | +973 1727 6134 |
The Indian Club | +973 1725 3157 |
The Country Club | +973 1759 3593 |
Shri Gujarati Samaj | +973 3901 9462 |
Saar Cultural & Sports Club | +973 1779 0335 |
Pakistan Club | +973 1725 8520 |
Karnataka Social Club | +973 1725 4257 |
Filipino Club | +973 1726 2143 |
Bhatia Mitra Mandal | +973 3960 1789 |
Balouch Club | +973 1729 2231 |
Bahrain Round Table | +973 3930 2064 |
Bahrain Kannada Sangha | +973 1727 1257 |
Bahrain Hash House Harriers | +973 1786 2620 |
Wisdom Home Society | +973 1772 7575 |
The Royal Society of St. George | +973 3972 6329 |
Tamil Social and Cultural Association | +973 3960 3564 |
Shree Nayrana Cultural Society | +973 1725 5517 |
Pakistan Association | +973 3941 5200 |
Bahrain Kannada Sangha | +973 1727 1257 |
Bahrain Irish Society | +973 3945 6857 |